ICGR 2023 | 6th International Conference on Gender Research


Divulga-se a 6th International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR 2023), a ser organizada pela Universidade Ulster, na Irlanda do Norte (Reino Unido), nos dias 20-21 de Abril de 2023.

De momento, encontra-se aberta a primeira chamada para submissões (até ao dia 28 de setembro de 2022).


Despite some advances being made in the area, topics related to gender research remain pertinent and are gaining momentum in a changing society. It is thus important to empower and to develop research on specific gender topics, in order to acquire a clearer understanding and to obtain important insights. Now in its sixth year the International Conference on Gender Research intends to be established in the cutting edge of gender research and we welcome everyone researching in this area to present their work and to the scientific community. ICGR is an event which brings likeminded researchers together from across the world to share their research and discuss the issues closest to gender research.

Destaca-se o Mini Track “Gender in Times of Crisis”, do qual a Professora Doutora Emília Fernandes e a Professora Doutora Regina Leite, docentes na Escola de Economia e Gestão da Universidade do Minho e ambas investigadoras CICS.NOVA.UMinho, são responsáveis. Mais informações sobre este Mini Track em específico disponíveis aqui.

Para informações adicionais acerca do evento em geral, aconselha-se a consulta do site oficial.

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