Helena Machado


Email: hmachado@ics.uminho.pt

Academic qualifications:  PhD in Sociology – Sociology and Fundamental Methodologies (University of Minho, 2003) and Sociology Aggregation in 2009, University of Minho   

Actual professional situation: Associated Professor with aggregation in the Sociology Department of University of Minho 

Actual interests of investigation: Sociology of Crime; Justice and Social Reintegration; Gender and Sexuality; Design, Cultur and Society; Technology, Science and Innovation; Leisure Sociology and Sociological Theories 

Awards and other distinctions: Her PhD thesis, “Courts, gender, science and citizenship – A sociological approach  of the judicial of paternity research” (2003), was awarded with an honorable mention from the 4th Edition of the CES Young portuguese oficial language Social Scientists Award (2005) 

Recent Publications:

MACHADO, Helena; PRAINSACK, Barbara (2011), Tracing technologies: Prisoners’ views in the era of CSI. ed. 0. UK: Ashgate.

MACHADO, Helena; SANTOS, Filipe (2011), Direito, justiça e media-Tópicos de sociologia. ed. 0. Porto: Afrontamento No prelo.

MACHADO, Helena; SANTOS, Filipe (2010), Justiça, ambientes mediáticos e ordem social. ed. 1. V.N. Famalicão: Húmus

HARRIS, Bernard; GÁLVEZ, Lina; MACHADO, Helena C. F. eds. (2009), Gender and well-being: Historical and contemporary perspectives ed. 000, ISBN: 978-0-7546-7264-7. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing

Institutional Link:  http://www.sociologia.uminho.pt/2187.page

Link for curriculum vitae: http://www.degois.pt/visualizador/curriculum.jsp?key=8945823275143988