MOBIScience – Mobility of scientists in Portugal: trajectories and circulation of knowledge


Research coordinator: Emília Rodrigues Araújo (CICS)

Project Team: Luísa Henriques (FCT-UNL), Margarida Fontes (DINAMIA-ISCTE/IUL), Sofia Coelho Bento (ISEG-UTL)

Objectives: The mobility of the researchers is a key policy issue at a national and European level. This project contributes to the advancement of knowledge about the nature and implications of scientific mobility in least developed countries, providing knowledge that can support the formulation of policies. Centred in the theoretical question of the role of scientific mobility in the circulation of knowledge and focusing on the case of the scientists in Portugal, the project has developed an multidimensional methodological  approach related to internal and external mobility: 1) to characterise mobility flows in terms of scale and content and relations with the develop of the Portuguese C&T; 2) to identify types of individual trajectories and experiences for the understanding of the mobility processes; 3) to explore the implications of different forms of mobility on the circulation of knowledge; 4) to map the public debate on mobility


Duration: 2007-2012