“As we know, the concept of configuration and other similar or additional ones, such as shape, figuration or structuring, although having its origins in several classic theories, including those of Simmel, Goffman and morer recent authors such as Bourdieu and Giddens, was wisely BETTER TERM?? Cleverly?? theorised by Norbert Elias. For this author, configuration would be a concept of synthesis that could overcome the old sociological dilemmas between structure and social action, between society and the individual, which has led the author to criticise the binomel society-individual of Durkheim and Weber. Elias believed that society cannot exist without the individuals, and we cannot think of individuals without or outside society.” (Manuel Carlos Silva in Nota Prévia, Configurações number 1/2005)
Editing Rules
Gender, Sexuality and Affections, 2015
In addition to governance. Policies, practices and discourses of inclusion and promotiion of diversity, 2014
Work and Justice, 2014
SOUTH EPISTEMOLOGIES: Research Contexts, 2013
Territory and Development 2013
Public Policies, 2012
WORK AND GENDER: precarious lives, journeys and collective action, 2012
Culture, Technology and Identity 2011
Work and Non-Work: value and (in)visibility 2010
Exclusions, Powers and (Sub)cultures 2009
Gender and Generations 2008
Culture and Identity 2007
Technique and Society 2006
Social Inequalities 2005