Organisational efficiency and life quality. A study about the quality of professional integration


Research coordinator: Carlos Veiga (CICS)

Project Team: Ivo Domingues (CICS), Carlos Alberto Silva and José M. Leal Saragoça (Univ. Évora) and Luísa A. Martins Fernandes (CICS-UM)

Proposing Institutions; NIGP-UM and CICS-UM

Funding Institutions: European Social Fund (ESF) of QREN through FORMEN – Federação Portuguesa dos Centros de Formação Profissional e Emprego de Pessoas com Deficiência

Objectives: To understand the impacts of the professional rehabilitation programmes in the life quality of the ex-trainees of the organisations which provide professional training and support job access for people with disabilities. To identify the weak and strong points of the professional rehabilitation performed by the professional training organisations.

Duration: 2010-2011