17º Seminário Almoço-CICS


Data: 10 de Dezembro

Hora: 13h15 -14h15

Local: Laboratório Pedagógico Sociologia II

Organizadora 17º Seminário: Inleusa Basengkham

Resumo: Over the past decades, there some antecedents about the gender and education in both developed and developing countries, this topic has become a global contemporary issue in both social and science research in recent years. Those common researches have claimed that the major problems that impede the education of girls and women are basically due to the educational attainment of the parents and their involvement in children’s education, and some results mention on the family economic issues. These existing results are also applicable in the case of Laos, however this recent study attempts to indicate that the traditional belief of Laos society that women are considered weak, the belief that women can only be followers not leaders also results in the low quality of education among Laos girls and women from remote areas, and many of them are not able to complete compulsory education, or primary level. Ethnographic research techniques were used for the data collection processes, participant observation and interview with the parents of dropouts and parents who have their children at school have given me some insights and understandings that this belief is still practiced by the community people from Houa Kham village and it is sufficiently enough to claim that it is the result of girls’ dropout of school in this village. The result suggests that, future plans and strategies for further development in education sector in Laos, this particular issue has to be taken into a consideration.

Nota biográfica: Inleusa Basengkham obteve o diploma de bacharel pelo Departamento de Inglês da Faculdade de Artes da Universidade Nacional de Laos em 2003. Foi docente em Savannakhet Teacher Training College desde 2003 até 2007. Concluiu o Mestrado em Administração da Educação da Universidade de Tsukuba, no Japão 2007-2009. Regressou a Laos e trabalhou como professora na Universidade de Savannakhet por apenas um ano. Em 2010, integrou a ONG World Vision Laos, na província de Savannakhet, realizando o seu trabalho na área da Educação. Presentemente encontra-se na Universidade do Minho a realizar o seu projeto de Doutoramento nesta mesma área.

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