Cycle of Sessions “Sociology of Time and Social Temporalities: an Introduction”


The Research Centre for the Social Sciences, the Communication and Society Research Centre and the Department of Sociology of Vigo University have organized till 9th March several sessions about “Sociology of Time and Social Temporalities”

Session 1 (February 9th)
The Sociology of time and the social studies of time: authors, concepts, themes and methodologies
Emília Araújo (University of Minho)

Sessão 2 (february 16th )
La metamorfosis de la representación del tiempo en las sociedades del trabajo modernas
José Durán (Universidade de Vigo)

Sessão 3 (february 23th)
Tecnologias de informação e comunicação e a redefinição do tempo
Xesús Lage (Universidade de Vigo)

Sessão 4 (March 1st)
Heterogeneity of watchable times: a desynchronized world.
Eduardo Duque (Universidade Católica e CICS)

Sessão 5 ( dia 9 março de 2013, entre as 10h e as 13h )
The time, the discourses and the power(s)
Emília Araújo (Universidade do Minho)

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