Conferência The Welfare State in Portugal in the Age of Austerity


Data: 9 e 10 de Maio de 2014

Local: ISEG

Consultar Call for Papers: New submission dates: stream proposals 15th November and 8th February for abstract submission To submit abstracts to Call for Papers and Call for Streams please contact us to
The submissions are only valid after an e-mail response from the organizing team.
All papers accepted will be uploaded on the conference website.

Resumo: What is the role of the Welfare State in a time of economic crisis, fiscal austerity and social problems? This conference, organized by the University of Lisbon, aims to stimulate academic discussion on the present and future of the welfare state in Portugal. It is expected to be a meeting of academics, who are dedicated to the study of social policy across of spectrum of different scientific disciplines. It will promote interdisciplinary academic discussion on the transformation of the welfare state in Portugal, in a time of financial austerity, economic crisis and rising social risks.
Call for Papers

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