Contexts, Literary Criticism and Reception of Lusophone African Literatures
Colaboração da investigadora integrada do CICS, Sheila Khan, no livro Contexts, Literary Criticism and Reception of Lusophone African Literatures publicado pela University of Bristol
“This volume was born out of a desire to pursue two main interlinked ideas: first of all, to reflect on the different elements which condition Lusophone African literary texts from before the moment when the text is actually conceived (i.e. socio-historical and literary contexts which influence the writers) until the moment when it reaches the reader. Secondly, and connected with the first main idea, there is a particular (unashamedly self-)interest to reflect on the role of critics, including academic critics, in this process. (…)” (COSME, 2012)
Sheila Khan has worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Manchester University, Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, and at the Centro of Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. She is an integrated researcher at the Research Centre of Social Sciences of Minho University and she also worked at the Department of Social Anthropology of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology as a guest researcher. She received her PhD from the University of Warwick, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, did her Master degree at ISCTE , Lisbon, and finished her first degree at the University of Minho, in Portugal. Her research interests focus on postcolonialism (Mozambique and Portugal), African Mozambican immigrants in Portugal, History and Literature of Mozambique, life and identity narratives, memory, exile, autobiography, documentary, and the sociology of literature applied to social sciences. She is the author of Imigrantes Africanos Moçambique: Narrativa de Imigração e de Identidade e Estratégias de Aculturação em Portugal e na Inglaterra
Índice do Livro
João Cosme
- Part I. Criticar os críticos: The Author´s Perspectives
- Uma rua chamada Planeta (Dina Salúsio)
- Textos e críticas: a força do lugar (notas para uma crítica dos críticos) (João Paulo Borges Coelho)
- Onde todos são críticos (Mia Couto)
- Part II. An inside view of the Publishing World: The Knowledge of a Translator, Editor and Publisher
- The difficulty of English: Lusophone African Fiction in Translation (Richard Bartlett)
- Part III. Academic Analysis
- De/Territorialised Portugueseness: Reflections on the Nation from a Postcolonial Perspective (Manuela Ribeiro Sanches)
- What World?: Reflexions on the Reception and Circulation of Cape Verdean Literature and Culture (Ellen Sapega)
- A recepção literária e a reinvenção da contemporaneidade (Francisco Noa)
- Literaturas Africanas e a sua recepção em Portugal: no 123 compasso da afetividade ou da Ideologia (ainda) Colonial? (Inocência Mata)
- Not so “Young and Green”: the anthropological drive behind Paulina Chiziane´s Balada de Amor ao Vento (Ana Margarida Dias Martins)
- Silêncios (im)prováveis: Leitura e Recepção das Obras de Ascêncio de Freitas (“Paz Enfurecida”, 2003), e de Bahassan Adamodjy (“Milandos de um Sonho”, 2001), no Portugal Pós-colonial (Sheila Khan)
- Encenação genológica nas literaturas africanas: recuperação de géneros orais e reavaliação dos cânones (Ana Mafalda Leite)
- Angolan Gazes on the USA: The Southern Epistemology of Pepetela´s O Terrorista de Berkeley, California (Phillip Rothwell)
Notes on contributors
Ficha Técnica:
Páginas: 222
Editor: University of Bristol
ISBN: 978-0-9553922-9-0
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