2nd Working Conditions International Congress (5 -6, September, 2013)
The Working Conditions Research Network (RICOT), initiative promoted by the Institute of Sociology of University of Porto, will organize in the year of 2013 the second edition of his international congress.
The event will take place in the University of Porto at Setember, days 5 and 6. Portuguese and English will be the official languages. Can be submitted papers which address the working conditions thematic.
Portuguese, English and Spanish are the official languages of the congress. Communications can be presented in any of those languages. However, we won’t have the means to procede to a simultaneous translation.
In charge of the organization of the event will be Hernani Veloso from ISFLUP, João Areosa, full researcher of CICS/UMinho and Pedro Arezes from UMinho
Submission of the communication proposal (use Easychair link) Until 30 of April
Notification of the review Until 15 of June
Submission of extended abstract final version Until 12 of July
For further informations please see the oficial website http://www.ricot.com.pt/PT/congresso.php
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