Call for papers Special issue on Society, Territory and Sustainable Development


This issue of Configurações intends to give greater visibility to the actuality and relevance of the questions relating to how the dynamics of development are seized and generated by societies in the relationship they establish with their territories. At a time when the consequences of the processes of globalization become increasingly evident, also at local and regional levels major changes occur in the context of the difficulties experienced and of the areas of intervention where the agents are involved. These changes also call for new means to understand these matters, especially when we consider the current crisis scenario that societies such as the Portuguese face.
It is thus important to analyze some of the answers that central and local governments (and other agents) have tried to to give to these matters, whether at the level of the interplay between political actors at international, national, regional or local levels, or within some concrete actions of planning and development. This is the case of policies and measures that stem from the need to intervene in favor of improving the environment and the proper use of natural resources, or seeking to intervene in the field of urban or rural areas policies.
We seek thereby to put together a set of texts which, grounded in different disciplinary, theoretical and methodological approaches, provide the reader with the expansion of his/her critical capacity and comparative knowledge about these questions around social and territorial dynamics that have development on its horizon, from which we can draw as an example the following topics:
(i) policies and perspectives of local and regional development;
(ii) sustainable development and promotion of the territories;
(iii) dynamics of public participation within the framework of development strategies;
(iv) tourism, ecotourism and development;
(v) rural development and policies of development for inland areas.

Articles should arrive no later than 25 March 2013, addressed to Ângela Matos, at

Instructions for authors:
All articles will undergo a preliminary selection process conducted by the Editorial Board to ensure their relevance to the thematic scope of this special issue. Selected articles will then be submitted to the blind refereeing of two experts.
All texts must comply with the following criteria:
1. They must provide their author(s) name(s), their institutional affiliation(s) and e-mail(s).
2. Texts, excluding abstracts, must not exceed 35,000 characters, including spaces.
3. Each article must be accompanied by three abstracts (in Portuguese, English and French) all of which must be no longer than 750 characters (including spaces). The abstract in Portuguese will be part of the main file (article); the other abstracts must be sent in a separate file.
4. All files, in Word format, must be sent by email.
5. All quotations must be translated.
6. All originals must:
a) contain the final, print ready version of the text, duly revised
b) include a title
c) specify 4 or 5 keywords, following the abstract, and in the three previously specified languages.
7. In text composition and formatting, authors should comply with the following guidelines:
a) Use no more than two heading levels; Introduction and Conclusion are not numbered; use Arabic number for the body of the text;
b) Quotations of 4 lines or less should be placed within inverted commas; longer quotations should be presented as indented paragraph(s), without quotation marks;
c) Words/phrases in other languages should in italics;
d) Non-textual elements must be presented in tables, charts or figures, with individual Arabic numbering;
e) Footnotes will be numbered, without brackets;
f) References will comply with the following example: (Rodrigues, 1993: 103); (Costa & Almeida, 1991: 80-84); (Greenwood, 1997a); (Greenwood, 1997b);
g) References at the end of the article should be presented as follows:
- SURNAME, Name (year), Title of the book, place of publication, publisher.
- SURNAME, Name (year), “Title of the article”, Title of the journal, volume (number), number of first and last pages.
- SURNAME, Name (year), “Title of the article/ chapter”, in Name and Surname of the editor(s) (eds.), Title of the book, place of publication, publisher, number of first and last pages.
- Internet Document: SURNAME, Name (year), Title of the document [Online], available at: address [accessed: date].
- Internet sites and personal or institutional pages: Name [Online], available at: address [accessed: date].
- Articles in online journals: SURNAME, Name (year), “Title of the article”, Title of the Journal, volume (number), number of first and last pages [Online], available at: address [accessed: date].

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