5th Seminar of Sociology PhD Students
The Research Centre for the Social Sciences, the Sociology Department and the 3rd Study Cycle in Sociology organised the 5th Seminar for Sociology PhD Students on the 28th of November.
This was an opportunity not only to learn about the most recent work developed by the Sociology PhD students, but also to discuss relevant topics in different areas, such as nanotechnology, cultural assimilation, prisons, social determinants of health, nongovernmental organisations and peer education.
14.30 Opening Session
15.00 Nanotecnologia: políticas e modelos analíticos de desenvolvimento Rui Vieira Cruz Comentador: Joel Felizes 15.30 The Cultural Assimilation of Laos Community. A case Study of Tai Dam in Namtha district, Luangnamtha Province Oudone Vongsomy Comentadora: Sheila Khan 16.00 Egressas do sistema penitenciário: aprendizagens e luta pelo reconhecimento. Helen Lucena Comentador: Filipe Santos
16.30 Debate
16.45 Coffee break
17.10 Determinantes Sociais de Saúde em Oncologia Pediátrica Catarina Casanova Comentador: Paulo Nossa 17.40 Profissionalização nas Organizações Não-Governamentais Marina Félix de Melo Comentadora: Adelina Correia 18.10 Consumo de drogas e estratégias de Educação pelos Pares – um breve enquadramento Mara Fernandes da Silva
18.50 Debate
19.00 Ending Session
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