Configurações 8 “Culture, Technology and Identity”


Table of contents of the Journal

Introductory Note (Manuel Carlos Silva)

Introduction (Helena Machado and Ana Maria Brandão)

  1. We all are Cyborgs: the social political aspects of techno scientific development (Holgonsi Siqueira e Márcio Medeiros)
  2. Contaminated territories, contaminated bodies: state, nuclearity and citizenship in Portugal and France (José Manuel Mendes e Pedro Araújo)
  3. Scientific issue on embryo research in Portugal (Bruno Rodrigues Alves e Susana Silva)
  4. Through the looking-glass: a critical review of sociology and medicine ( Ângela Marques Filipe)
  5. Modernity and suffering: contributions to the case study of panic disorder (Marta Roriz)
  6. Electronic surveillants in Rio de Janeiro: sociotechnical agencements and research in technology (Bruno de Vasconcelos Cardoso)
  7. Dimensions and impacts of forensic science fiction: What CSI effects? (Filipe Santos)
  8. Download of music, blogs and youth: guerrilla cultural or crime? (Sérgio Perales Francisco)
  9. Art and Technology: from the idea of Technic reproduction of Walter Benjamin to the proposals of the virtual museum (Bruno Rodrigues e Giulia Crippa)
  10. Technologies of information and communication in the domestic space: it is not enough to have, you need to know, to want and be able to use (Maria João Simões, Soledad Las Heras e Amélia Augusto)

Book Reviews

Hermínio Martins Experimentum Humanum – Civilização Tecnológica e Condição Humana (Rita Gomes Correia)

Richard Hindmarsh e Barbara Prainsack (eds.) Genetic Suspects: Global governance of forensic DNA profiling (Filipe Santos)

Catarina Frois (org.) A Sociedade Vigilante – Ensaios sobre identificação, vigilância e privacidade (Rui Vieira da Cruz)

Book Description:

Research Center for Social Sciences

Edition: 2011

Pages: 200

Editor: Edições Húmus

ISSN: 1646-5075

Price: 12€

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