

Conference Gardens – Gardeners – Gardening

Conference Gardens – Gardeners – Gardening

Date of the call for papers: April 6th 2013 Date of the Seminar: May 16th, 17th e 18th 2013 Local: Museu Nogueira da Silva, Braga Work Language: Portuguese Organization: Projeto Paisagens, Cultura e Artes da Contemporaneidade CICS/CECS – ICS – UM Museu Nogueira da Silva Scientific Comittee: Helena Pires | Communication Sciences ICS-UM Teresa Mora …


2nd CICS Lunch Seminars

2nd CICS Lunch Seminars

On 24th April it was held at Minho University the first CICS Lunch Seminar for PhD students and researchers who would like to show and debate their own research projects. Vítor Sousa, PhD student and researcher of CECS, has organized this event under the theme “O Estado Novo e a ‘portugalidade’. A construção da identidade”.


14th Sociology Conference – Be a child. Right(s) and Risk(s)

14th Sociology Conference – Be a child. Right(s) and Risk(s)

Date: 17th April Local: Education Institute of the University of Minho Hour: 4p.m til 6p.m.


International Conference “Innovation, Development and Identity”

International Conference “Innovation, Development and Identity”

On 5th March it was held at Minho University the International Conferece “Innovation, Development and Identity”, the research lines Culture, Science and Identity and Organizations Territory and Development were in charge of the organization of the event. Scientific Committee: António Cardoso Bjorn Asheim Domingos Santos Eduardo Duque João Ferrão José Cadima Ribeiro Manuel Carlos Silva …


Cycle of Conferences/ Seminars on Social Sciences – Politics, organization and quality life in rural comunities

Date: 3rd April 2013 Hour: 6 p.m Local: CPII Sala C2/305 Keynote speaker: Janeth Patrícia Muñoz (Universidade Pontificia Javeriana de Colômbia/ Phd (C) FLACSOEcuador). Organization: Research Group Organizations, Territory and Development Research Centre in Social Sciences Free Entrance


CICS Lunch Seminars

CICS Lunch Seminars

On 13th March it was held at Minho University the first CICS Lunch Seminar for PhD students and researchers who would like to show and debate their own research projects. Sheila Khan, full researcher of CICS, has organized this event under the theme “The South, as a tool for thinking in the portuguese research field”.


Cycle of Sessions “Sociology of Time and Social Temporalities: an Introduction”

Cycle of Sessions “Sociology of Time and Social Temporalities: an Introduction”

The Research Centre for the Social Sciences, the Communication and Society Research Centre and the Department of Sociology of Vigo University have organized till 9th March several sessions about “Sociology of Time and Social Temporalities” CalendAR Session 1 (February 9th) The Sociology of time and the social studies of time: authors, concepts, themes and methodologies …


International Seminar Normal Birth: Experiences from Portugal and Beyond

International Seminar Normal Birth: Experiences from Portugal and Beyond

On February 28th February it was held at Lisbon the Seminar “Normal Birth”, organized by Maria Johanna Schouten full researcher and Co-Director of the Research Centre for Social Sciences and Joanna White from CRIA of Lisbon University. Presentation: While the term `normal birth´ is now in common par-lance within the maternal health sector, the rate …


II Iberoamerican Seminars of Human Resources and Social Corporative Responsability

From the 5th to 7th February it was held in the University of A Coruña (Spain) the II Iberoamerican Seminars RRHH and RSC, organized by Maria Dolores Sanchez (Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo de Ferrol) and the Research Centre for Social Sciences The main public were Academics, Students and persons interested in the areas of …


Cycle of PhD Seminars “The contribution of the social sciences to build knowledge about health care”

The Research Centre for the Social Sciences and the Directive Commission of the Sociology course have organized on the 1st of February the last Session of the Thematic Seminar of the Sociology PhD course 2013, with the presence of invited speakers Paulo Nossa, full researcher at CICS and Jacinta Fernandes from the Northern Health Association …