

5th CICS Lunch Seminars

5th CICS Lunch Seminars

Date: 17th July Local: Sociology Lab II, ICS Hour: 1 p.m. Theme: Família e Reclusão: interdependências, invisibilidades e (des)conexões Speaker: Rafaela Granja, PhD student, CICS researcher


6º Seminário Almoços CICS

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Conference “A Mediação na Universidade: Experiências e Desafios”

The Research Centre for the Social Sciences, the Research Centre in Education and the Human Rights Center for Interdisciplinary Research have organized on the 1st of July 2013 the Conference “A Mediação na Universidade: Experiências e Desafios”, with the presence of invited speaker Silvia Vecchi from Universidade Mar de la Plata, Argentina.


Public Presentation of the Book of João Areosa “O lado obscuro dos acidentes de trabalho. Um estudo de caso no setor ferroviário”

Public Presentation of the Book of João Areosa “O lado obscuro dos acidentes de trabalho. Um estudo de caso no setor ferroviário”

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Public Presentation of the book of Dina de Carvalho ” Aquela pequena vírgula é meu filho! A Experiência da Gravidez na Adolescência”

Public Presentation of the book of Dina de Carvalho ” Aquela pequena vírgula é meu filho! A Experiência da Gravidez na Adolescência”

The Public Presentation of the book Dina de Carvalho ” Aquela pequena vírgula é meu filho! A Experiência da Gravidez na Adolescência” took place at 19th June in 100ª bookstore, Braga.


4th CICS Lunch Seminars

4th CICS Lunch Seminars

On 19th June it was held at Minho University the first CICS Lunch Seminar for PhD students and researchers who would like to show and debate their own research projects. Silvia Gomes, PhD student and researcher of CICS, has organized this event under the theme “Trajectórias de vida de reclusos e reclusas: Interseccionando classe, nacionalidade/etnia …


Seminar Disobedient Ways: Reflect the “South” in the Portuguese Context of Research

Seminar Disobedient Ways: Reflect the “South” in the Portuguese Context of Research

Date: 7th June 2013 Local: Sala de Atos, Social Sciences Institute Organization: Sheila Khan, full researcher from CICS; CICS; CECS and CITCEM


II Jornada do Mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade da UMinho

II Jornada do Mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade da UMinho

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3rd CICS Lunch Seminars

3rd CICS Lunch Seminars

On 22th March it was held at Minho University the first CICS Lunch Seminar for PhD students and researchers who would like to show and debate their own research projects. Rui Cruz, PhD student and researcher of CICS, has organized this event under the theme “Nanomundos: Cultura, Tecnologia e Identidade na construção da nanotecnologia”.


Seminar For Equality

Seminar For Equality

Date: 15th and 16th of May 2013 Place: Municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso Hour: 9.30 pm Organization: Projeto LocalDiguais – Serviço para a Promoção da Igualdade de Género – Câmara Municipal da Póvoa de Lanhoso; Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais (C.I.C.S.)/ Universidade do Minho. Free entrance