28/11/2012 09:47
The Research Centre for the Social Sciences, the Sociology Department and the 3rd Study Cycle in Sociology organised the 5th Seminar for Sociology PhD Students on the 28th of November. This was an opportunity not only to learn about the most recent work developed by the Sociology PhD students, but also to discuss relevant topics …
18/07/2012 15:47
At 28th November, the Research Centre for the Social Sciences and the Education Institute of University of Minho organized the Conference “Identities, Academic and Professional Trajectories”, wich counted with the presence of the invited speaker Professor Miriam Aparicio of the University of Cuyo, Argentina. Bibliography references: Aparicio, M. (2009). Les facteurs psychosociaux et la réussite universitaire …
18/07/2012 15:46
On the 22nd and 23rd of November, the Research Centre for the Social Sciences, Spin-off Lab MeIntegra, the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ANPME) the Nanovalor Project of the University of Minho organized the International Seminar of Entrepreneurship and Public Policies. The main purpose of this seminar was to discuss entrepreneurship as a multidimensional reality by …
18/07/2012 15:46
The Research Centre for the Social Sciences and the Sociology Department held, on the 16th of November, the Conference “Talking about Europe, identities and borders”, with the presence of the invited speaker Hakan Harikan (KiriKKale University/Turkey), who presented the communication “The EU and the Identity Crisis”, as well as other researchers from CICS: Joel Felizes …
18/07/2012 15:45
On November 15th and 16th, it was organized the 8th Edition of the Geography and Planning Journeys “Cities, creativity(ies) and sustainability(ies)” by the Research Centre for the Social Sciences, the Geography Department of the University of Minho, the Centre of Geography and Land Planning and GeoplanUm. The debate focused in the need for sustained and rational …
18/07/2012 15:44
The Conference Religion and World: cohabitation ways was organized by the Research Centre for the Social Sciences in the University of Minho. The event counted with the presence of two invited speakers Zbigniew Kazmierczak from the Religious Studies Department of the University of Bialystok in Poland and Helena Vilaça, Professor at the University of Porto. Also, two …
18/07/2012 15:44
On November 10th, CICS together with the Union of the Professors from the North, the 25th April Association, the Research Centre of Economic and Organizations Sociology (SOCIUS/ISEG), the Geography and Land Planning Institute and the Social Studies Centre (CES/UC) have organized the Forum «Citizenship for the Welfare State» in Calouste Gulbenkian Foudantion. See the Program Official …
18/07/2012 15:44
On November 9th, the Research Centre for the Social Sciences and the Sociology Department organized the 1th Journey of the Master in Crime, Difference and Inequalities. The event counted with the participation of the follow invited speakers: Conceição Gomes from the Observatório Permanente da Justiça Portuguesa, Carlos Lima from the Jornal Diário de Notícias and José Mouraz …
18/07/2012 15:43
CICS, together with the Teachers Union of the northern region, the 25th of April Association, the Research Centre in Economic and Organizational Sociology (SOCIUS/ISEG), the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning and the Social Studies Centre (CES/UC) organized the Preparatory Seminar “Defending Public Education” at the University of Minho. The following themes were discussed and …