(Portuguese) DIVULGAÇÃO EXTERNA | Escola Projeto E-Monitoring “Crime e Tecnologia: Presentes Controversos, Futuros (Im)prováveis” – 04 a 06 de junho 2025, Sala de Atos do Instituto de Ciências Sociais
CICS.NOVA.UMinho is coordinated by Professor Ana Maria Simões de Azevedo Brandão, an integrated researcher of CICS.NOVA – University of Minho hub. Ana Brandão holds a PhD in Sociology (2008) from the University of Minho, a Master’s degree in Policies and Human Resource Management (1997) from ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (1991) from the University of Porto. She is a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA.UMinho) and an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Minho (ICS-UM).
Telephone number: +351 253 604 694
E-mail: anabrandao@ics.uminho.pt
Directive Committee
Rafaela Ribeiro (Science Management)